Term one rushed past in a blur of getting to know the students and new staff, a two week school swimming program, beginning of year testing, a whole school cultural fiesta and the opening of our new building and a learning expo. And all of this is a super short 9 week term (including the midweek start and early Easter end!) Crazy.

A few weekends ago, we participated in Relay For Life for the third year. It is an incredible event. I have hundreds of photos + hours of video from the event which I am working on putting into some sort of video.
I've been embracing cooking at home. I joined in with Ruth's bread revolution and made bread. It was rad and tasted amazing. This is a good thing for my budget and health.

I've been slowly working away on my hexagon blanket and I taught myself to ripple. Then I decided I really didn't like what I had done so far, pulled it all out and started again. I am now waiting or my new wool order to arrive so I can continue to work on it.
I signed up for Tim Coulson's workshop, The Nursery later in the year. Pretty much every blogger I admire went along at some time last year and had a fantastic time. I can't wait.
I've been thinking about how I can commit to blogging. The current trend I am noticing goes something like this. Blog during school holidays. Completely forgot about blogging when school goes back. School holidays. Apolgoise for the lack of blogging. Blog during holidays. Repeat. Thinking I might need to spend some time planning for the blog. Because, really, I think it is an ace thing to be doing.
What have you been making or baking lately?
How have you made blogging apart of your routine?
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