How we decided to start looking and applying for rental
Getting accepted for our first rental house, much quicker
and easier than we anticipated.
How lucky I am to have an awesome family who helped with the
packing and moving of all my things.
Unpacking boxes + setting up our new home.
How our relationship changed during those first few weeks of
living together.
How cold, wet and unpredictable the weather was.
Learning to adapt to things that weren’t how I expected them
to be.
Layering up to leave the house most mornings for work.
The excitement in my classroom, before, during and after
their performance of the Flintstones at the school production.
Staying up way to late watching the Olympic Games.
Adapting old routines and making new routines.
The awesome performance of Sally Pearson and Anna Meares at
the Games.
Wearing bright coloured jeans with boots and super warm
Trips to Ikea where we debated the ‘essentials’ and made
plans for things we could make ourselves.
Cardio sessions at 6am, when it was still dark and less than
5 degrees outside.
Realising, that I much prefer to exercise in the morning
before work.
Watching the block and falling in love with Dale and
Sophie’s style.
Eating mums homemade soup with fresh white bread.
Feeling the warmth of fire first thing in the morning.
My obsession with instagram.
The sense of calmness and familiarness that came with every
square I crocheted.
I didn't realise it had been so long between posts. Winter has been a crazy busy couple of months. So ready for Spring and all it has to bring with it and getting back into regular posting. I have lots of pictures of my new house and projects I've been working on over the last couple of months to share with you.
Have things been extra busy where you are lately?